Did you know that February is National Heart Awareness Month?
February 6, 2017
Did you know that February is National Heart Awareness Month? Well, we are so excited to share some interesting facts on how to keep your heart healthy and happy. We have great meal ideas for you and your family to enjoy. Also, well as exercises to keep the blood pumping. There is so much to share that each week we will share a blog from one of our fabulous therapists. Our therapists will release on Monday mornings, along with a chance for you to ask them questions about that week’s blog on our “Live Stream Video” each Friday! How neat is that!?!?!?
I would like to start things off by sharing a great recipe that I found on “Pinterest”. Everyone is using this app and why not? There is so much to look at including heart healthy recipes. This recipe is called “Skinny Cajun Shrimp Skewers”. This is “oh so good” that just the thought of it makes my mouth water. What’s so great about this recipe is not only are you using grill (less dishes at clean up time) but really helps to get those fussy eaters to eat their veggies. One important key is it’s a low sodium meal but PACKS a punch of flavor and only 175 milligrams of sodium and 105 calories per serving. Plus, I just love to have a reason to fire up the grill no matter how cold it is outside.
Something else to really consider is your sodium intake. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend an upper limit for sodium consumption of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day for adults. Because the average American’s sodium intake is so excessive, even cutting back to no more than 2,300 milligrams a day will significantly improve blood pressure and heart health.
Stay tune for next week when Janet Keller, PT from our Spring Ridge office shares her thoughts on healthy heart and how to get the blood pumping. Also, her “Live Stream Video” will be on February 10th at 1:30 pm so mark your calendars!