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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo also known as BPPV

June 21, 2016

Written by: Dr. Stephanie Wilfong, DPT, LMT When you are young, children often think it is fun to spin in circles and induce dizziness. A false sense of spinning, known as vertigo, is generally less desirable. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo and is most prevalent in older adults. […] Read More...

Sit and Stand Up Straight – There Are Good Reasons for It

June 10, 2016

Remembering back when you were a youngster, how many times did our mother tell you to stand up straight? Or, as I have done with my daughters, you got the nudge right between the shoulder blades. And almost as quickly as you pulled your shoulders back, they seem to have slid right back to your […] Read More...

Coming Out of Hibernation

August 27, 2015

The importance for dynamic warm-ups prior to exercise Let’s face it, we’ve had a long hard winter. Some of us fought those winter blues by remaining active; however, there are those of us who tend to go into hibernation and don’t come out until the snow has melted. With spring coming, there are some of […]


Preventing Back Injury During Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning: I know all of you are hoping, just like I am, that spring is finally around the corner. For most of us, the change of season brings the “itch” for spring cleaning. With this in mind, I thought I would present everyone with some tips on lifting techniques to reduce the risk of […]


Looking Back On The Barefoot/Minimal Running Craze

After Christopher McDougall’s book “Born to Run” became a national bestseller in 2009, the running world was turned upside down by the notion that the current running shoe model may be one of the leading causes behind the high prevalence of injuries to runners. After reading the book, millions of runners around the world decided […]


Headache? Could it be my neck?

It has been a long day at work at your computer, you have been sitting for hours and your head is “pounding” again, but why? Tension and migraines can typically be the culprit, but this time it could be coming from your neck. Cervicogenic Headache, or neck related headache, according to Zito in 2006 makes […]


What is Kinesio Tape?

Coming Soon… Kerri Walsh at 2008 Beijing Olympics If you have watched any sporting events, you may have seen some athletes wearing that crazy sports tape on their shoulders, knees, ankles, or any other part of their body. You may have wondered what is that stuff and what does it do? Well wonder no more, […]


It’s Crossfit Time!

Maybe you’ve seen the Crossfit Games on ESPN or possibly have a friend that has received positive results from joining Crossfit. You’re not alone as a lot of people around the world have been joining the Crossfit craze within the past few years. Maybe you’re even thinking about joining a Crossfit gym near your home […] Read More...

What is Osteoarthritis of Knee?

My Doctor Said I have Osteoarthritis in my Knee. What is it? and How can Physical Therapy Help Me? What is Osteoarthritis of Knee? Osteoarthritis of the knee (knee OA) is a progressive disease causing inflammation and degeneration of the knee joint that worsens over time. It affects the entire joint, including bone, cartilage, ligament, […]


Why can’t I lose weight??????? (Part 1)

$60 billion dollars spent on diet products annually Market Data Enterprises, 2012 US News – Money, Jan. 2, 2013 “95% of all diets fail” Is this true? – based on a 1959 study by Stunkard and McLaren – Hume but has been reinforced by many clinical studies over the years. We all know someone who […]